It’s no secret that the majority of people are losing their minds during this quarantine … or like me, lost their mind two weeks in. Either way, I have been looking for ways to pass the time & after seeing someones story about a list they created about doing x in x amount of days, I realized there were so many projects and little fun things I have been putting off because it just never felt right to do them. WELL now is the perfect time because there is literally nothing else to do but eat and sleep (-: so keep reading for my personal quarantine to-do list! 

So here are my quarantine to-do lists that I broke into three different sections because i’m OCD and, thanks to Elli, realized my original list was a scattered disaster. ✎✎✎



[lgc_column grid=”50″ tablet_grid=”50″ mobile_grid=”100″]✰wash couch.
✰re-organize linen & front closets.
✰black & white gallery wall.
✰really purge & clean my closet.
✰find a headboard!
✰fix up the bathrooms.
✰~garage project~[/lgc_column]

[lgc_column grid=”50″ tablet_grid=”50″ mobile_grid=”100″]✰finally buy & put up proper curtains on all the windows.
✰spruce up the patio.
✰find a good bookshelf that rip won’t mess with hahaha.
✰lots of painting projects for existing furniture.
✰replace all old door handles & knobs.
✰reupholster chairs[/lgc_column]


[lgc_column grid=”50″ tablet_grid=”50″ mobile_grid=”100″]✰send out wedding thank yous {oops}
✰buy personalized stationary.
✰read @least 3new books!
✰get into a steady habit of exercising daily — like more than just my walks with rip.
✰also try to potty train rip … yikes.
✰try to teach rip some yoga hahaha.[/lgc_column]

[lgc_column grid=”50″ tablet_grid=”50″ mobile_grid=”100″]✰r o u t i n e s : master my morning & night routine because even with my new medicine I can still convince myself to stay up “just a little bit longer” … which turns into about 1am & truthfully i’m over it.
✰learn a new recipe.
✰make creme brulee & gluten free donuts!
✰get computer fixed.[/lgc_column]


[lgc_column grid=”50″ tablet_grid=”50″ mobile_grid=”100″]✰o b v i o u s l y tie-dye✓
✰learn calligraphy & chess.
✰perfect painting my own nails haha.
✰focus more time towards my blog.[/lgc_column]

[lgc_column grid=”50″ tablet_grid=”50″ mobile_grid=”100″ last=”true”]✰clean hair brush – because ew.
✰turn old candles into jars ✓
✰watch more movies.[/lgc_column]

Well there ya have it, my list of things to get done by the end of quarantine … and by the looks of it I should have plenty of time to do so. Maybe I will post a round 2 list if we’re trapped inside long enough ha ha ha … lets pray that post will never come.

ANYWAYS, I will make mini posts about some DIY projects and before&afters of the things I accomplish, so stay tuned! ♥︎☀︎★






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