☆ I finally broke out of my shy shell & honestly now I never stop talking… sorry everyone <3
☆ I decided to try so many things during my time at Alabama that I would have never imagined myself doing at 18
☆ I struggled so much with my health, and still am, but all the dead ends and triumphs I have gone through has only made me stronger and smarter
☆ I made so many amazing friends, lost a few along the way, and faced some of the most cruel people I could ever imagine having to deal with – but like I said in regards to my health, all of those people taught me important lessons about life, love, and self respect. I honestly thank them for being so nasty because I would, mentally, not be at the place I am today & I love the way I view life now
☆ I realized that life is FUN & that every moment you have on earth is precious so why get caught up in the anxiety & fast paced ways of society when it is not always necessary. I would legit plan my days down to the exact 4 minutes 26 seconds I would allow myself to shower… THAT IS THE WORST WAY TO LIVE!!! {@ least in my opinion because it was not working for me but I applaud the people that work and live that way you’re incredible}
☆ My mental health took a nose dive straight down, crashed & burned, and left me entirely lost because I had never fully accepted failure before. Now I was being forced to embrace it head on if I wanted to live a functional life again…
◌ I truly let myself discover that is IS OK to NOT BE OK… I had heard it said before but never allowed myself to digest it because I never wanted to seem weak, broken, helpless, & honestly I have no idea what other excuses I made to talk myself out of accepting my flaws & embracing them.
☆ I discovered my love for learning- I am not sure why I convinced myself all my life that I was not “good at school” or “didn’t like learning” because I have been lying to myself for 22 years… oh well you live and you learn (:
☆ I also learned how important it is to be your own advocate, educate yourself, & know your worth because if you don’t respect yourself and your values then no one else will
☆ && best of all; I became a mama to the MOST AMAZING little bubba Rip, got MARRIED, and moved in with my sweet new family to live this shambly life together F I N A L L Y as one unit that feels like a family!
I finally feel like I am growing into new aspects of myself and my identity that have been waiting to shine through. I have accepted that I am different from 99% of the people I am surrounded by, but that is what makes life interesting & fun.
However cheesy it may be, 2020 for me is going to be about
I plan to discover more things that genuinely make me happy and fulfill me, stay positive until I figure out how to cope with my health issues, and be the best mother & wife I possibly can be no matter how tired or lethargic I feel.
I recently realized that I have let MYSELF down & broken the trust I have with myself ~~THANK YOUUUUU @ Ed Mylett & TSC for allowing me to have a true realization moment and to get real with myself.
⇢⇢⇢ In regards to building my trust with myself back up, I discovered I needed a way to “compete” with me & make my failure visibly in front of me daily. I need to start small because every aspect of my daily life and routine has gotten out of whack; my sleep schedule, my habits&routines, my exercise, my free time, my time with my family, PLUS I AM ALWAYS RUNNING BEHIND — I absolutely hate it and it needs to be fixed. This new decade was exactly what I needed to get back on track. ⇠⇠⇠
Here are a few ~small~ things I am working on daily so soon I can progress into more meaningful changes::
☆ DO. NOT. SNOOZE. — this is one of my worst habits. Because of Narcolepsy when I snooze I go right back into a deep sleep so those snoozed 7 minutes turn into a good hour… {^^aka the main reason i’m always running late}
☆ Since I am trying to better my eating habits and find a fix for my stomach/digestion issues I have started food combining; if you want to learn more about this check out Kenzie Burkes blog, she has great posts & programs to help you realize and reap the benefits of f o o d c o m b i n i n g.
◌ this means that before noon I try to only consume fruits & veggies… but to be completely honest I get hungry around 11 & have some; toast with peanut butter & honey, or clif energy granola & almond milk.
◌ I also need to become better at eating or at least preparing my breakfast before I bring Ripley from his room because that kid is a FIEND for his food</p>
☆ EXERCISE!!! I have gotten beyond lazy with this, so I need to get back on track
☆ My mornings are currently a free for all, and that it honestly such a bad way for me to start my day because I just wake up in shambles & stay in shambles. Some things I am trying to implement are:
✌︎ Warm water w/ lemon
✌︎ Make my bed, take my medicine, & stretch
✌︎ Daily stoic, journal, & bible
✌︎ Exercise
✌︎ & courtesy of the wonderful Lauryn of TSC I need; LIGHT, MOVEMENT, HYDRATION in the first thirty minutes I wake up to relax myself & prep for a productive day
☆ Time Management — those who know me know I am so easily distracted that it often takes me a good hour to leave the house, regardless if I have my shoes & jacket on, purse & Ripley ready… nope I will 9 times out of 10 get way too distracted
☆ absolutely NO MORE N A P P I N G DURING THE DAY! This has thrown off my sleep schedule soooooo bad & now I am just viciously stuck in this cycle of being tired all day but completely awake at night {narcolepsy you truly are the best gift… :/}
☆ and lastly to bounce off of the ~new~ no napping rule, I need to become way more strict on my sleep schedule. I have read countless books on sleep & how to fix myself and honestly it all boils down to my lack of self discipline on sleeping and waking up at the same times everyday. So this year will f i n a l l y be the year where I sleep like a normal human & have the energy levels of a normal 22-year-old. With this I am hoping to be able to give a ton more energy into my fitness & physical health because that is so important and I so easily let it slip down my priority list
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I have a great feeling about 2020 & I cannot wait to see how this year plays out, but so far it is off to a pretty good start!
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